
Semi-Annual Meeting

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CT BOS Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes

CT BOS holds meetings for all CT BOS funded projects and interested members of the community at least semi-annually.  Meetings are open to all persons interested in homelessness, including all CoC grantees and non-HUD funded housing and service providers as well as advocates, funders, consumers, universities, businesses, government agencies and other concerned citizens.  The purpose of the meetings is to share information, provide resources and solicit feedback on how CT BOS can assist in providing the highest quality services and housing to people experiencing homelessness and other housing crises. For information about upcoming meetings and materials from recent meetings, see below.

May 17, 2024

CT BOS May Semi-Annual Meeting Slides

CT BOS May Semi-annual Mtg Minutes

November 17, 2023


March 24, 2023

September 16, 2022


February 18, 2022

June 18, 2021

January 15, 2021

June 19, 2020

January 17, 2020