
Renewal Evaluation

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HUD requires CoCs to evaluate projects operating in their region and to assess their impact on efforts to end homelessness. HUD expects CoCs to use cost, performance, and outcome data to continuously improve how resources are utilized. Each year, the CT BOS Steering Committee establishes performance targets and evaluation criteria for renewing projects. These measures are aligned with System Performance Measures established by HUD and track indicators, including increases to participant employment and benefit income, permanent housing placement rates, average length of stay, consumer satisfaction and other factors that determine whether a project is effectively serving people experiencing homelessness. The materials below provide more information about the most recent renewal evaluation process.

2026 CT BOS Renewal Evaluation Documents

2025 CT BOS Renewal Evaluation Documents

2024 CT BOS Renewal Evaluation Documents

2023 CT BOS Renewal Evaluation Documents

2022 CT BOS Renewal Evaluation Documents


Archived Renewal Evaluation Information