
HUD COC Application

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2024 CoC Funding Opportunity

Renewal Project Resources

New Project Resources

The Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT BOS) sought applications for new projects for inclusion in the 2024 application for HUD CoC funds. CT BOS sought Permanent Supportive Housing projects, Rapid Rehousing projects and Joint Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing projects (Joint TH/RRH available only via DV Bonus). The deadline for submission of new project applications was close of business (5:00 p.m.) Wednesday, March 20, 2024. The application window is now closed. 
New Project Application Bidder’s Conference was held on Friday, March 1 at 10 a.m. Slides and recording are  available below:



2023 CoC Funding Opportunity

The Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT BOS) sought applications for new projects for inclusion in the 2023 application for HUD CoC funds. CT BOS sought Permanent Supportive Housing projects, Rapid Rehousing projects and Joint Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing projects (Joint TH/RRH available only via DV Bonus). The deadline for submission of new project applications was close of business (5:00 p.m.) Friday, April 14, 2023. The application window is now closed.

CoC-Approved CoC Consolidated Application for FY2023 CoC Program Competition

CT BOS CoC Approved Consolidated Application FY2023 – PDF (2023.09.22) – e-snaps application including attachments

CT BOS CoC-Approved Priority Listing FY2023 (2023.09.22) – lists all new & renewal projects and attachments. There were no replacements or reallocations.  


2023 Instructions: New Project Request for Proposal funded through CoC PH Bonus, Reallocation and DV Bonus – PDF (2023.03.14)

Zengine Provider Instructions: Application for New CoC PH Bonus and Reallocation – PDF (2023.03.14)

Zengine Application for New DV Bonus Instructions – PDF (2023.03.14)

New Project Scoring 2023 – PDF (2023.03.29)

Funding Opportunity Frequently Asked Questions – PDF (updated 2022.04.11)

Bidder’s Conference:

Request for CAN priorities & data – DOC


For CT BOS’s local competition for CoC Renewal Program funds, Renewal Projects are due to be submitted in Zengine on 8/4/2023.  All renewals are to be submitted in e-snaps by 8/16/2023. See below for renewal naming and submission instructions.

2022 CoC Supplemental Funding Opportunity

CoC-Approved CoC Consolidated Application

The Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT BOS) sought applications for new projects for inclusion in the 2022 supplemental application for HUD CoC funds.  CT BOS is seeking Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing and Supportive Services Only projects.  The deadline for submission of new project applications was Wednesday, August 17, 2022 (8/17/2022). The application window is now closed. 


2022 HUD CoC Competition Documents

CT BOS 2022 CoC Application – FINAL – PDF (2022.09.26): 

  • CoC-approved E-snaps HUD CoC Competition FY 2022 CoC Application
  • Includes all Attachments 

2022 Priority Listing – PDF (2022.09.26): 

  • CoC-approved E-snaps HUD CoC Competition FY 2022 Project Priority Listing
  • Includes all New and Renewal Project Listings
    • There were no Replacements or Reallocations

Click button below to view accepted projects.

For CT BOS CoC’s local competition for CoC Program funds, the due date for submissions of renewal project applications was 8/23/2022. The application window is now closed.  

Renewal Application Resources

2022 Renewal Application Presentation Slides – PDF (2022.08.16)

Renewal Application Webinar Recording:  https://youtu.be/Pzabc83bPJc (2022.08.16)

FY 2022 CT-Balance of State Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) – XLS (2022.06.23)

Names 2022 Renewal Grant Project List

The Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT BOS) sought applications for new projects for inclusion in the 2022 application for HUD CoC funds.  CT BOS sought Permanent Supportive Housing projects and Rapid Rehousing projects.  The deadline for submission of new project applications was Monday, 6/6/22. The application window is now closed. 

Details are available here: