Training materials to sign up and submit documents in CT BOS’s new grants management database can now be found on...
Author: Shannon Quinns (Shannon Quinns)
2021 Renewal Eval Criteria
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The 2021 Renewal Evaluation Criteria have been approved by the Steering Committee and are now available on the Renewal Evaluation...
CDC Eviction Moratorium
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The moratorium halts residential evictions for non-payment of rent, fees, penalties and interest for any covered person through 12/31/2020. Click...
ESG-CV Notice 8-31-20
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The Notice announces the allocation formula, amounts and requirements for an additional $3.96 million provided for the ESG Program under...
Census Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness
Census resources for people experiencing homelessness are now available on the National Advocacy/Technical Assistancepage.
Update on the New Project RFP
The deadline for submission of new CT BOS CoC Project applications was originally 8/28/20, but given the information below, CT...
All Outreach Training Materials Now Available
Materials from the 4 homeless outreach trainings presented this summer are available at
New Outreach Training Available
The July 23rd Outreach Webinar slides and recording are now available on the Training page!
NOFA & New Project RFP Notice
In light of the ongoing COVID 19 situation, HUD is looking into a very basic auto-renewal process for existing CoC...
Outreach Webinar Posted
The 7/16 Outreach Plan Webinar has been posted. Presentation slides and the recording are available on the Trainings page.