
Homeless Outreach Trainings

Home / Homeless Outreach Trainings

Trainings are listed in order of most recent to oldest.

CT Outreach Training Inventory – PDF (2024/12)

  • Review of local and national listed by topics with links


Best Practices in Street Outreach, Part 2:  12/9/24

Best Practices in Street Outreach, Part 1: 12/2/24

Outreach: Assessment and Service/Housing Planning, 6/15/23

Outreach: Case Conferencing Addressing Substance Use, 5/18/23

Outreach: Addressing Substance Use, 4/27/23

2023 PATH Monitoring

PATH Outreach Onboarding Training #2, 4/28/22

Supervisory and Administrative staff

Outreach – Modified Mini Screen Training, 2/16/22

PATH Outreach Onboarding Training #1, 2/8/22

Outreach: Housing Location and Stabilization, 6/28/21

Outreach: Working with People with Mental Illness, 5/24/21

Outreach: Working with People in Hotels, 3/22/21


Outreach: Expectations in Housing, 8/13/20

Outreach: Helping Program Participants Understand Housing Options, 7/23/20

PATH Outreach Plan, 7/16/20

DMHAS  – Outreach Training, 3/19

Connecticut Outreach Training: National Trends & Local Practice Strategies, 2018