This page contains materials from previous Continuum of Care (CoC) Competitions.  In general, HUD conducts one national competition annually for Continuum of Care funding and CT Balance of State CoC submits both the CoC Consolidated Application, which responds to questions regarding the whole Continuum, and the Priority Listing, which, as the name states, ranks projects in the order that the CoC decides by priority for funding.  Individual project applications are submitted by recipient agencies, accepted and ranked by the CoC and submitted to HUD.

When new CoC funds are available as part of the CoC Competition, in general, CT BOS conducts a Request for Applications and then scores, and accepts applications to put forward for new CoC funding, or rejects applications according to score or threshold review.

2021 HUD CoC Competition Documents

CT BOS 2021 Consolidated Application – FINAL PDF (2021.11.15): This document is the Esnaps HUD CoC Competition FY 2021 CoC Application.

CT BOS 2021 Project Priority Listing – FINAL PDF (2021.11.15): This document is the Esnaps HUD CoC Competition FY 2021 Project Priority Listing.

Project Listing – Ranked and Accepted 2021 – PDF (2021.10.28): This document lists the projects that were accepted and ranked.  Some projects were not required to be ranked, as noted on the spreadsheet, but they are included to indicate that they have been accepted and will be submitted with the CoC Priority Listing for this year’s CoC Competition.

Draft Raking and Bonus Policy Discussion: Ranking Policy 2021

YHDP Replacement Projects

Webinar recording:

Webinar slides:  YHDP Replacment App Webinar 2021 – PDF (2021.09.07)

DV Bonus New Project Applications

The Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT BOS) sought applications for new DV Bonus projects for inclusion in the CoC’s 2021 application for HUD CoC funds.  BOS is seeking Rapid Rehousing projects and Joint Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing projects for existing BOS TH projects.  The deadline for submission of New DV Bonus project applications was 9/17/2021. The application window is now closed.

Details are available here:

Renewal Project Applications

The due date for submission of renewal project applications is 9/16/2021.

Renewal Resources:

Applicant profile:

The Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT BOS) sought applications for new projects for inclusion in the CoC’s 2021 application for HUD CoC funds. BOS is seeking Permanent Supportive Housing projects and Joint Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing projects for existing BOS TH projects. The deadline for submission of new project applications was 6/2/21. The application window is now closed.

Details are available here:

 Bidders’ Conference:  5/11/21


This year, responses to the RFP will be submitted through Zengine, the CT BOS database. We will provide submission instructions during the Bidders’ Conference.

Selection & Funding Processes

The total funds available for new projects in 2021 will be determined based on the final bonus amounts, as determined by HUD, combined with any amount of funding that the CT BOS Steering Committee determines shall be reallocated from existing renewal projects.

CT BOS will convene a committee to review and score applications that are submitted in response to this RFP.  CT BOS uses those scores to determine which applications are submitted to HUD and the order in which they are ranked.  Projects that score higher will have a greater chance of being funded.  HUD makes final decisions regarding which applications are funded.

CT BOS encourages applications from applicants that have never previously received CoC funds as well as from applicants that are currently receiving or have in the past received CoC funds.  CT BOS provides technical assistance to ensure that the process is accessible to all eligible applicants, including those who have not received CoC funds in the past.

Please note that this application is based on the best information that is currently available, and CT BOS may need to revise the requirements described in the instructions and/or request additional information based on additional guidance received from HUD and/or decisions made by CT BOS Steering Committee.  CT BOS will disseminate all information about this funding opportunity as it becomes available through the CoC’s email listserv.  To ensure that you receive the latest information please subscribe to the CT BOS mailing list by visiting: Additionally, new information regarding the 2021 New Project Application will be posted here as the need arises.

2020 HUD CoC Competition Documents

8/27/2020 Notice: The deadline for submission of new CT BOS CoC Project applications was originally 8/28/20, but given the information below, CT BOS discourages agencies from submitting applications at this time.  If an agency, were to choose to submit an application, CT BOS would accept it but would review it only if the current situation changes. If HUD signals that they will fund new projects in 2020, CT BOS will send an email to our distribution list and establish a new deadline for submissions.
As we have previously indicated, in light of the ongoing COVID 19 situation, HUD is looking into a very basic auto-renewal process for existing CoC projects and has indicated that there will be no NOFA, no reallocation, no new projects, and no new funding except for FMR adjustments to existing projects. Recently, senior HUD staff indicated that they are awaiting Congressional action to enable renewal funding awards without the required NOFA process.
For now, CT BOS continues to encourage organizations that were considering applying for new project funds to review the RFP that was recently released, so that you are familiar with what would be required in the event that the information above changes.

2019 HUD CoC Competition Documents

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2018 HUD CoC Competition Documents

CT BOS CoC Consolidated Application to HUD for the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: this document has the complete Consolidated Application to be submitted to HUD including all attachments.  Attachments include all projects accepted and rejected from the competition.

CT BOS CoC 2018 Review, Score, and Ranking Process: this document includes objective scoring for renewals and new projects, ranking procedures, reallocation decisions/processes, and evidence that those processes were publicized.

CT BOS CoC Priority Listing for the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition: this document has the listing and ranking of all of the CT BOS CoC projects submitted to HUD for funding in the 2018  HUD CoC Program Competition.

CT BOS CoC List of Project Applications 2018: All CT BOS CoC project applications (new, reallocation, renewal) being submitted to HUD are listed below.

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